NOC invites everyone to a Cinco de Mayo event sponsored by the Beach City Health and Fitness Club (BCH&F), located in Hilton Head Island, to benefit NOC. The event will be held on May 5, at 39 Hospital Center Common, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
BCH&F, which has a membership of about 800, will hold classes (spinning, body pump, yoga, and super zumba) under a large tent in the parking lot of the Hospital Center Common as an added attraction for the public. For a $100 donation to NOC, businesses (targeting health and wellness entities) are invited to set up a tent/table to disseminate information about their agencies and services. A prize will be awarded to the business that decorates its station in the most festive Cinco de Mayo style. There will be raffles, with profits going to NOC. BCH&F is raffling a one-year membership (worth more than $700) for NOC’s benefit.
Three restaurants (Frankie Bones, Boat House, and Fiesta Fresh) are providing finger foods to support NOC. The food items will be free to the public. There will be music and fun for everyone to enjoy. NOC will have a booth with displays to disseminate information and educate the public about its mission, outreach programs, and results.
This is a great opportunity to increase public awareness about NOC, for people to understand NOC’s mission and outreach programs, and to showcase the difference that the organization is making in the lives of many individuals, especially children and women.