The Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC) has helped the residents of the Oaks Apartments in HHI to form a community organization after discussions over the past two years. These discussions allowed the residents to recognize the importance of having an organization and building consensus on the role of such an organization and its responsibilities.
On July 21, 2014, residents of the Oaks Apartments enthusiastically elected four officers (a president, 2 vice presidents, and a secretary) of their new organization.
The aim of the organization is to foster community unity and engagement to promote community development. The Oaks organization will, among other things, focus on safety and security, environmental cleanliness, and beautification, as well as promotion of social events. They will maintain continuous dialogue with the regime management to ensure that tenants’ rights are protected and that the property is well maintained, in keeping with standards of the regime’s by-laws. The organization will also develop a neighborhood watch system in collaboration with the local law enforcement agency. NOC’s will assist this organization as needed. As this organization becomes established and successful, this model can be replicated in other neighborhoods locally.