NOC Chair, Dr. Narendra P Sharma made a presentation about the situation at the Cordillo Program Center where NOC serves children and families living in poverty. The Cordillo Courts Board wants NOC to terminate its afterschool program immediately. Dr. Doug Fletcher, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Hilton Head, organized a meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at First Presbyterian Church. He extended to other community churches the following invitation to participate in the meeting:
“Dear colleague in ministry, I am writing to alert you to the fact that Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC) has been told by the Board at Cordillo Courts that they are no longer welcome to serve the 50 neighborhood children in the after school learning program there. They are being fined daily for operating in conflict with the board’s decision despite the fact that the Board had originally invited them in. … I would like to invite you and interested members of your congregation to a meeting of the religious community to hear Dr. Sharma share what is taking place. You undoubtedly know of the work of NOC on the Island and in Beaufort County. With six after school learning centers touching over 450 children of low income families, NOC has demonstrated measurable results in student test scores. NOC has received numerous recognitions, including grants from the Community Foundation and Beaufort County schools. It has been lifted up for its work as one of the President George H.W. Bush “Thousand Points of Light.” Dr. Narendra Sharma was recently recognized with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Community Service. God bless you.”
Dr. Sharma’s presentation can be viewed at the following link: First Presbyterian Church Presentation