Gary Tauscher was recognized on March 20, 2019 by NOC’s Board of Directors and senior staff for his distinguished service to the organization. Gary served as an NOC Board Director for 5 years. During this time, he served as Chair of NOC’s Grants Committee, writing grants and providing leadership in raising significant capital to support NOC’s mission and outreach programs in Beaufort County. Gary also chaired NOC’s highly successful Special Golf event for two years, and was actively involved in frontline activities at NOC’s learning centers in Beaufort County. Dr. Narendra Sharma, Founder and Chair, praised Gary’s dedication, and outstanding work and commitment in helping NOC grow and expand its outreach programs in Beaufort County. He also recognized Gary’s compassion for the poor, especially children, who carry the burden of poverty.
In response to the above, Gary Tauscher made the following remarks:
In the “light of day” I would like to acknowledge last night’s Board Meeting. First of all, I want to thank Dr. Sharma for convincing me to join the NOC Board some 5 years ago. Like you, I am amazed that the organization is ten years old and that so much has been accomplished. More importantly, I am proud to have been a member of the “Sharma Team” and part of the evolution of the organization for the last 5 years.
There is still much to be done, and I’m convinced you will succeed in accomplishing the various goals discussed during the Board meeting. Having worked with Dr. Sharma and the NOC program managers, teachers, and host of volunteers for five years, I think I have developed an appreciation for the challenges facing the community the Neighborhood Outreach Connection serves. There are a number of reasons that the greater Hilton Head Community doesn’t know about NOC and what it does. In my opinion, one of the major reasons for that lack of awareness is that our clients are not only underserved; they are also ignored by that Community. In spite of this, the potential that they represent is worthy of the commitment the NOC organization is making on their behalf.
While I am leaving the Board, my wife, Judy and I remain committed to the mission of NOC and you can count on us as “disciples”, volunteers, and financial supporters of the Neighborhood Outreach Connection as you work towards accomplishing the NOC Mission.