An important component of the NOC model is the connection with parents and children through its presence within neighborhoods. NOC involves parents proactively in its education programs (preschool, after school, and summer learning). Recent meetings at the Oaks, Cordillo, and Beaufort Program Centers were highly successful, with more than 100 people attending the Oaks and Cordillo Parent Night events in July 2015. Volunteers and Neighborhood Liaisons translated to ensure that Hispanic participants understood key points discussed during the meetings. Following refreshments, parents were guided through the Compass Learning software to learn exactly what their kids are doing when they come to the after school and summer programs. The parents were extremely interested in learning about the program, and asked many good questions relating to homework support and the role of teachers. Program Managers stressed the importance of good attendance and personal responsibility. They explained NOC’s incentives to encourage students to excel in learning math, reading, and language arts. The Program Managers also noted the importance of parents’ role in ensuring that their children value education and place priority on meeting school standards and graduating on time. Many parents expressed their gratitude and appreciation to NOC and its field team, which is made up of teachers, volunteers, and field staff. In conclusion, we opened the floor to questions and concerns.