Dr. Narendra Sharma, Founder and Chair, of NOC made a presentation to the Rotary Club of Beaufort on February 18. With over 110 members, this Rotary Club is the largest club in the town of Beaufort. Mr. Wayne Heath, President-Elect, noted that members wanted to learn about the NOC model and how it is making an impact on minority children and development in low income neighborhoods. After the presentation, there were many questions about how the NOC education programs are structured and delivered at program centers within neighborhoods. Several members were interested in learning more about the significant achievement gap that exists in Beaufort County public schools, including schools in Beaufort, North of the Broad. A few members focused on the impact of NOC’s intervention in helping children academically. Interest was expressed in bringing technology into the neighborhoods to reduce the digital divide that exists now. Members were also keen to hear about NOC’s plan to establish a program center in Beaufort. Ally McNair, Vice Chair of NOC, and John Leadem, NOC’s Coordinator in Beaufort, joined Dr. Sharma to represent NOC.