On May 7, the School Improvement Council (SIC) of Hilton Head Elementary School (HH-IB), an Authorized International Baccalaureate School, held its last meeting of the 2011-2012 academic year at the Program Center of the Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC) at the Oaks Apartment Complex in Hilton Head Island. Attending were members of the SIC and Jill McAden, Principal, Sarah Owens, Assistant Principal, and several teachers. The meeting was chaired by Diana Magnan, who emphasized the importance of taking into consideration the challenges faced by parents and children living in low-income neighborhoods who are attending HH-IB.
The participants visited NOC facilities and listened to a brief presentation about NOC’s after school program, which is generating positive results in improving academic performance of participating students. Dr. Sharma, NOC Chair, emphasized the importance of the partnership between NOC and BCSD and collaboration with local schools. He also recognized the valuable contributions of principals and teachers who have actively supported NOC’s after school and summer learning programs. This meeting was a ground breaking initiative with a positive outcome. The parents and children attending HH-IB were very excited to have SIC and the school staff present in their neighborhood.