Dr. Narendra Sharma, NOC Board Chair, recently gave a talk to the Unitarian Church of the Lowcountryon Overcoming poverty and income-inequality: A global and local imperative. Dr. Sharma noted that we live in a constant state of flux where our lives and the world we live in are continuously changing. This phenomenon alters the social order and brings uncertainty. It unleashes forces that impact the quality of our lives and our aspirations. There are gainers and losers due to these changes. The gainers benefit while losers are often angry, frustrated, and pessimistic. The losers want change because they want their fair share. They see hope in change irrespective of its consequences.
This phenomenon has spread with increasing intensity throughout the world over the past 50 years. Key forces are globalization, technological advancement, the emergence of capital markets and flow of capital, trade, and movement of people. These forces have combined to change modes of production and use of resources, economies, consumption patterns, investments, and communication. They have also given rise to significant income inequality throughout the world.
In addition, these forces of change have increased interdependency among countries and contributed to enormous growth in wealth and the rise of a global economy. This trend has benefited a few while leaving many behind, creating tension, apathy, and a sense of helplessness. This is the reality and paradox that we face today.
We face the challenge of addressing poverty and income inequality at the local, national, and global level within the realm of capitalism, free market, and democracy.
Dr. Sharma outlined specific recommendations for Beaufort County.
To view Dr. Sharma’s presentation, click here: sharma-presentation